Sunday, June 7, 2009

The States of Jersey: Friend or Foe?

I am not usually one to talk about politics or the States of Jersey but some things are just too important too leave alone so here we go...

As my local government the States of Jersey are currently debating their 'Strategic Plan', which is basically their document of policies and objectives for the years ahead i think i might as well say what i really think.

Alot of their decisions lately have really put my temperature up to boiling point, including the decision to build a new incinerator. But the one decision that has pushed me over the edge is the one concerning the control of the population.
Now Jersey is an island in the english channel, around 12 miles or so off the coast of France. The island is 9 miles long and 5 miles wide (roughly), so any guess on the population? Well, it currently stands at 91,800 (789 per Kilometre squared) and yes i did just say 91,800, a truely ridiculous figure and one that is going to keep on increasing.
The government has just agreed (34 to 16 votes) to keep on increasing the population by 325 people per year (around 125 households) until it is just below 100,00 by the year 2035, crazy right? It still makes me really angry, whenever i think about it.

The problem i have with this is that as with everything the Jersey government decides it is all down to money and economic growth and progress, but what is the point, if the island is just going to be destroyed whilst doing this? They use Jersey's natural environment as a fashion statement whenever they use and they truley do not understand the consequences of putting too much pressure on Jersey's natural environment. Is money really more important then keeping Jersey's identity? It is a quesiton that can be asked for all of our government's, because there needs to be a point in time where we say 'No' otherwise we are looking at environmental collapse.

Jersey is a stunning island with clean white beaches, sheering cliffs full of sea birds, beautifull tranquill countryside, stunning valleys and hillsides full of songbirds. We have
Dolphins, Puffins, Marsh Harriers, Kestrels, Green Lizard's, Heron's, the list is endless but none of it seems to mean anything to our government, the only thing that means something to them is money. It first of all makes me angry but also very sad, sad that they cannot remove their tinted glasses and see how already over populated Jersey already is.

I am leaving the island in 3 weeks for a year to be a researcher on the Kalahari Meerkat Project and i must admit i am quite scared as to what Jersey will be like when i get back.

At the moment the States of Jersey are planning and executing their own downfall, a foe indeed...

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