Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The planet, the future and how everyone has a role to play

As the UN Climate Conference gets underway next week in Copenhagen, which is seen by many leading scientists as our last chance to curb global warming and prevent ecological collapse it gets me thinking as to what we can all do.
I am sure that not a day goes by where in some shape or form we feel our hope fading as we are bombarded with doom and gloom stories about the earth and how we are facing ecological disaster. I hate to say this but they are not going to go away and even though the media can distort news stories, the underlying science and evidence is there to be seen. We have over fishing, habitat destruction, over population, global warming, I could go on but you get the picture. Believe me as a naturalist it is sometimes impossible not to get bogged down and a little disheartened by the rate at which we consume our planet for money and greed.
But what if we flip the coin and see the other side, how about we look at the potential of change? If you lived in the 1980’s and someone was to say global warming and environmentalism and say they became big political issues I am sure you would get laughed at and possibly be booked an appointment with a doctor! The fact is, we can change and we are starting to, we must not get bogged down by negativity as what does negativity ever achieve? It does nothing but create more negativity and uncertainty. Then nothing will be achieved and we will feel helpless at the oncoming onslaught of pessimism.

As a species we seem to look at nature too much and be with her too little, the natural world is too abstract, too much of a fashion statement, an item thrown away and recycled into another product or message when we feel it is convenient. We seem to forget that everything and I mean everything we have comes from this planet and its natural cycles and resources and when it is gone, it is gone. Where do you think new cosmetics come from? The components for our new ipod’s? Or, the fabrics in our newly bought clothes?

If we keep on consuming the planets resources at the rate we are currently doing then our 21st century way of life will implode faster than we can say HD TV, the warning signs are there. Now, I can hear you say ‘surely, though all the small changes I can make are insignificant to what is required and it is up to our politicians to do something?’ WRONG! It may be a cliché but every small change is worth its weight in gold and is a piece in the larger puzzle of bigger change. Not only will you be making a difference but I guarantee making small changes will alter the way you see the planet and how you feel about yourself. Simply, doing the right thing is a great way to make you feel good about yourself. Surely doing something is better than doing nothing?

So, go change those light bulbs, buy sustainable timber products, go food shopping and buy locally sourced produce, cycle or walk instead of driving, because I assure you that as well as saving money and doing the right thing your hidden connection with nature, that is located deep in all of us will be reawakened and so you will be as well. The planet needs you...

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