Sunday, June 5, 2011

Connectivity - From petrol, food habits to rainforests

Good evening!
It is fair to say that i have many ideas in this chaotic head of mine, and i am the first to admit that some are more far more realistic than others, in other words it it safe to say that i am a dreamer, i create and plan out dreams and ideas that will hopefully one day come into fruition.
I am saying this because i have a great respect and admiration at the moment for one particular 'dreamer' that i feel is a damn good person, and that person is Jamie Olive. No! i hear you cry (wait a minute!).
This is because he follows his heart and is generally passionate about healthy food. I have just finished catching up on his USA Food Revolution and it is safe to say that he facing an uphill struggle to change the food in americans schools. I mean all he wants to do is make children healthier by giving them better food yet somehow he is portrayed as some kind of anti-christ, i mean if you take all the b******t away from the media all he is just trying to do is the right thing. That is all.
Healthy food = health children.

I am talking about Mr. Oliver because what he is doing matters to all of us, it matters as he is tackling a huge problem in society and one that eventually involves the planet, meaning we are all in this battle together.
The food revolution is not just about healthy food it is about the food industry and where all of our food comes from. Our understanding on where our food comes from (i am no expert but i am getting there) directly dictates how our food is produced and how land is then used to produce food, which in turn effects deforestation rates and the state of our seas. In other words as a consumer you have the power to shape the state of the planet for future generations.

Another great example of this connectivity are petrol prices. It is no secret that petrol prices are going up, up and up, as is the cost of living, but as with everything there is a reason.
In my eyes the very simple reason that petrol is going up is that demand for oil is increasing due to our consumer lifestyles and increasing human population. We are quickly approaching the maximum rate limit as to which we can produce oil (also known as Peak Oil)

In other words: reduced oil availability/production + greater demand = increased prices.
Oil though has far reaches and influences transport, energy prices, food production, everything! In other words we need to get off our oil addiction if our lives are going to become cheaper and easier to live, plus there is the already huge environmental cost of drilling oil. The next site for potential drilling is the artic (including nature reserves) mainly due to the rate of melting which is opening up brand new areas.
But as with the previous example people power is where it matters because if we as a population decided we do not want to so dependent on oil then it can happen.

Hopefully i am making the point that our lives directly influence the state of the planet and the lives of everyone else on the planet, which then goes round full circle and influences everyone again!

If we are to truly change the way we live to have a healthy planet for our children and grand-children, a planet that still provides clean air, water and habitable land then we need joined up thinking.
We need to realise that we are not isolated and ultimately everyones decisions effect everyone else. As a species we are pretty much at a crossroads and we need to decide how we want our lives to be. It can either be short-term consumerism whereby the earth will only support us for so long (we have all heard the warnings again and again) or long-term sustainability where money and goods are put down the importance list and families and communities are put first.

To put it simply we are part of the natural world and are connected to everything living organism on the planet, but due to this connectivity we have people power.
People power has the greatest potential and power to influence governments, businesses and organisations to change how we live our lives and how we protect the earth, which i see is the only way real change can happen.

You are connected, so you have the power...

1 comment:

  1. Hello Stephen,
    Keop going. You are making some vital connexions few get to. Ordinary people with busy lives and far to many pressures simply don't get the chance to reflect on these interconnected issues. Do it while you have time and space to do so.
