Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Birthday thoughts...

Today is my 27th birthday and what a 27 years it has been. I have gone through GCSE's, A Levels, Degrees (including a masters), a few girlfriends, late nights, early mornings, Meerkats, Cheetahs, the african sunrise, the african sunset and met the most amazing people from all walks of life.

It has only really been in the past 5 years or so that i have really kicked into high gear regarding the wildlife career and when relfecting back i have realised that i have done many things right, but also a few things wrong and on this day i know that i need a new view on things. I need to be more positive, despite all the destruction, death, greed, wasted money, extinctions, melting glaciers and everything else, what do we really achieve from moaning? beating the same drum? playing the heart felt card? It is time to move from destruction to fascination, from a fashion statement to a way of life.

The thing is, today has not been about the presents, gifts, money and getting what i want on the television! (although it is a rather nice change!). For me, my birthday is all about finding that quiet place, a little time for me to reflect and to spend outdoors and just to make sure i do something that costs nothing for my rather empty wallet. It is also a day that reminds me what amazing friends i have and that somehow i need to go and see them more often (living on Jersey can only be used as an excuse for a limited time).
Life is all about the free things, (as the saying goes) and that is how we need to move forward.

Merry christmas everyone :-)

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