Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Last 6 months...

Okay, well i did write this post about 10 minutes ago and then i somehow deleted it! Bugger....

The train of thought has evaporated so this will be a shorter entry to prevent my mind going on overload.

It is time for an update...

So i am back in Jersey, 6 months back in the so called real world, a world of television, celebrities, ready available food, consumerism and money, and does it make me feel?! Ok i guess, well....lets just say i really miss Africa with its wilderness, space and lack of total and utter b%'?^£!t. It is nice to be home, but the adventurer has awakened in me and it will be sooner rather than later until i head off again.

I have hit the ground running over here and could not do more if i tried, I am training to be a BTEC qualified Forest School leader, training to be a qualified bird ringer, actively involved in charities such as the Jersey Climate Action Network, Jersey Bat Group, Durrell and the National Trust for Jersey as well as fundraising (sponsor me!) and soon to be training for Trek Iceland next year (that will be amazing! Have you seen Iceland!?).

I do NOT see myself as a teacher though, more of a wildlife educator, a communicator. Someone i hope that people can approach and see that i am dedicated to my job and that i am here to help with no personal agendas.

The main thing i have learnt is that wilderness is addictive and i am totally addicted. Yet the Meerkat Project taught me that i am not quite a researcher, i am too passionate, take things to personal and too impatient to do research. Yet i love the remoteness and the discovery that comes with scientific research!

So the current plan is to move into film-making/photography/communicating...In a way i think it is great that at 26 years of age i am only just discovering what i want to do, yet another part of me tells me to get on with it! (Sometimes i do go round in circles and make myself smile with the thoughts that come out my head and on to this blog).

All in all, the update is that i am doing all that i can and have learnt that what society gives me does not make me 100% happy, i am only 110% happy when i am emersed in the wilderness of Nature.

P.S. I have recently bought the New Linkin Park album and it is freaking amazing.

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