Wednesday, January 4, 2012

2012: The story will continue (and end apparently!)

Happy new year everyone,

I must start this post with a deep heart felt thank you to everyone who tweeted, emailed and facebooked me in response to my last blog post regarding my current battle with my inner demons. I will put my hand on my heart and say i was not expecting such a huge response from such a fantastic, kind array of people, so thank you.

The December blog post was not just written for me, but i also wanted to help out anyone that is currently going through the same thing. Hopefully i have helped as i tried to be as honest as i could. If any of my friends are struggling then i do hope they know where i am because i am always here to help.
Following on from this as well i have decided that whenever i have a 'down' phase or an 'up' phase then i will try my best to post it on here and describe the feelings and phases, which i will hope will lead to more of an increased level of understanding. This is all still a huge learning curve for me as well as i have only just accepted the battle inside of me that has been happening all these years.

But as the title of the blog suggests i am also here to write about my job, my life and my passion that is all things wildlife and as it is the start of 2012, which according to the Mayans will be our last year (i think the worlds last day is my birthday!) i am going to write down a few thoughts, ramblings and ideas about the year ahead.

Last year i had the goals of kicking on in my job as a wildlife education officer, becoming a forest school leader, passing my karate black belt grading, trekking iceland for charity and becoming a more experienced bird ringer amongst other things. Looking back i am happy to say all were achieved with various levels of success.
This year it is all about wildlife film making and photography, it is what i really want to do and push on towards, something i know inside that i would be great at. I am very determined to give it my best shot and i know i have the key ingredients as i love wildlife, i love music and i have the inner workings to connect the two together. I want to communicate and tell stories and i know the stories that i want to tell.
That means for 2012 this blog will hopefully contain a MASSIVE section on the Wildlife Film Academy based in South Africa, my own wildlife photography assignments, quirky stories about my job educating the general public on all things wildlife and updates on an old family farm in Jersey that i am making wildlife friendly, you could say my own wildlife reserve. although that does sounds like i have money, which is very far from the truth.

Whatever happens this year, it is going to be another busy one, i am just crossing my fingers and toes to make sure the world does not end on my birthday! (21st December 2012).

I do hope that you, the reader, will keep on reading and visiting this blog in the months ahead.


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